JECH, D.; ČELKO, L.; KLAKURKOVÁ, L.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; DVOŘÁČEK, E.; ŠVEJCAR, J. Wear Resistant Coatings Deposited by Air Plasma Spraying Under Different Technological Parameters. In 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy - IOC 2014 – Proceedings. 46. Belegrade, Serbia: University of Belgrade - Technical Faculty in Bor, 2014.s. 659-662. ISBN: 978-86-6305-026- 6.
This work is focused on evaluation of quality of hard Al2O3+13%TiO2 and Cr2O3 coatings produced by means of atmospheric plasma spraying technique. The different technological process parameters, namely the plasma torch stand-off distance, gas flow rate, current, particle temperature and velocity were varied during deposition. In-flight particles temperature and velocity were monitored during spraying using Tecnar AccuraSpray G3C (on-line particle monitoring system) unit. Based on the results obtained from AccuraSpray system, 3D optical profilometer, light microscope and scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive microanalyzer, the technological parameters providing optimal microstructure of both studied coatings were identified.
JECH, D.; ČELKO, L.; KLAKURKOVÁ, L.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; DVOŘÁČEK, E.; ŠVEJCAR, J. Influence of Technological Parameters on a Quality of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Al2O3+13% TiO2 and Cr2O3 Coatings. Saint Julian´s, Malta: International Community for composites/ Nano Engineering, 2014. s. 401-402.
The aim of this study is focused on optimizing the main adjustable spray parameters and studying their interactions in order to attain high quality alumina-titania and chromium oxide coatings with a very low amount of porosity. Effect on resulting coatings microstructure and properties is examined in detail.